Today I am officially 28 weeks.
It's seems crazy to think I only have another 12 weeks to prepare to meet baby girl.
I have been working hard to get through some of my fears. In my research and preparation I learned about Hypnobirthing. The more I have read about it the more I am loving it. Through meditation and relaxation I am learning to let go of the fears created from the past and move forward with peace and calm. Not to say that I still don't have doubts and fears that I am working on, but it's nice to have something to work on and practice that gives me a sense of control in myself and the day of birth for my baby girl.
My goal is to have a natural birth/post birth experience, but I have accepted that if medication or other methods are needed to secure mine and my babies safety then I will take that route without doubting my abilities to be a good mother to my child.
I am now to the point were I meet with my midwife twice a month now. I am meeting with a therapist as well. Which has only help build my confidence in my abilities to have a positive experience, while at the same time, be aware of any changes that might occur in my body and mind. I feel my relationship with my therapist is at a place now where she will be able to help me recognize if there steps that need to be met.
There is much to do in the next 3 months. I am grateful I have this time to practice and prepare for baby girl, but I am so looking forward to holding baby girl in my arms and knowing that she is mine.
I have much to be grateful for, and a chance to be a mother again is one of my greatest blessings of all. Regardless of what may come in the future I know the Lord knows and loves me. That He knows and loves this baby and that He is forever on our side and as we continue to turn to Him we wont lose.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
It's a....
It was incredible to get to see our little angel up close and personal on Thursday morning. :)
She was so perfect! She melted our hearts. Even though DH would have liked a boy to carry on the last name he is super excited to have a Daddy's girl, and she already is. Seriously he comes home and starts talking to her and rubbing my belly and all the sudden she is awake and so excited. She loves her daddy! It's adorable!!
She was so perfect! She melted our hearts. Even though DH would have liked a boy to carry on the last name he is super excited to have a Daddy's girl, and she already is. Seriously he comes home and starts talking to her and rubbing my belly and all the sudden she is awake and so excited. She loves her daddy! It's adorable!!
Friday, September 12, 2014
Guess what!!!
It's been awhile.
I am sorry. Been meaning to write and tell you our news, but I wanted to give my friends and family so time to adjust first.
I am sorry. Been meaning to write and tell you our news, but I wanted to give my friends and family so time to adjust first.
8 years ago today was the day I had my second little boy. The day of agony and pain, and I was willing to go through that terrible pain, because I was expecting to hold my little boy and feel peace and love towards him and all would be right and perfect. Well it didn't turn out that way. Though I love my little H peace, rightness, and perfection was far from my mind. Something happened and all craziness broke lose. It was horrific! I hated where my mind went with everything that had to do with being a mother. Hope was lost. The peace I ached for seemed just out of reach no matter what I did except for the few moments in the temple or while receiving a blessing from a worthy priesthood holding.
Today like every year has been an emotional roller coaster as I think back and feel the loss of what that day cost me. I am without my little H. He lives in another state. He is happy and well taken care of, but I miss him and his older brother EVERYDAY. I am grateful that he and his brother are well, but I wish I was part of the reason he was happy. I know that I did the right thing for my boys, just like I know that I'm doing the right thing now for my little family. A lot of the time however doing what is right isn't easy.
So even though today I have reflected a lot on what has been lost I am in awe that 8 years later I have been given a second chance. As this baby kicks inside of me letting me know he/she is there and growing is a miracle to me is so many ways. I have peace knowing that I am doing what the Lord has called on Jake and I to do. I know that He is with me in this. I know that He will always be there to help me through whatever happens in the future. Today though my tears are full of loss they are also full of gratitude. My Lord, Our Lord loves me. He knows my desires and wants. He knows my weakness and strengths. He will give me the strength that I need to make it through this. He will bless me. He has promised to do so. I know that I may never understand until after this life fully why I had to lose my little ones before, but I am grateful that I know of His love and His desire for me to succeed and be happy.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Climb Out of Darkness 2014
I was quite sick this year, and so though I wanted to climb with the other women in Portland this year I decided it would be better to stick some what closer to home, just in case.
My DH and I hiked Angel's Rest.
It was challenging for me, being so sick physically, but it reminded me how far I have come and what can be accomplished if you just keep moving forward.
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This is considered a weed to most here in Oregon I learned, but I found beauty in it. Guess you can find beauty in anything if you chose to look at it in such light. |
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Another peak of beauty. I'm getting closer I can tell. |
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Almost there. At the very last stretch of climbing we had to hike up and over these HUGE boulders. |
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The top in site. :) |
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The remarkable view! I did it! Sick and all and I made it to the top! It was hard, it was painful, it was lets face it humiliating, but oh was it worth it! |
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We did it! (and look we are even smiling) One more step towards a better me. :) Hoping you find a happy moment in your day! |
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Taking a Mental Day
My heart strings have been pulled so tight ever since getting to see my handsome boys 2 months ago. In some ways it feels like a dream still, and yet as I close my eyes I can see their young bright smiles. How I miss them! How I ache for them! How I worry for them! My prayers always directed to their home in UT.
What a blessing it was to see them. To see them healthy and happy. I am so grateful for the opportunity to see them, to get to know them a little bit.
At the same time it has made me miss them all the more. The wounds have been ripped opened.
I have been trying my best to function, cope, and yet move forward.
I know now that I will never be considered a mother to my sweet boys even though I still feel like I am their mother. Mom to them will forever be directed towards my selfless loving sister. Many times I have ached to be in her shoes, but as I heard them refer to her as mom I forced a smile to block the tears that suddenly wanted to fall. I couldn't let them escape. I was determined to enjoy every moment with my little ones. And I did. I relished it. I continue to play it over and over again in my head and heart. Holding onto every memory. Every feeling. Every laughter and smile that came from their mouths to my eyes and ears.
Maybe since I felt I had to hold strong to the heartache erupting inside of me when I saw them walk through my parents front door and those few hours is why I haven't been able to let myself truly wet my face with the deep loss that I felt and feel until now.
Today I was planning to go on another hike. I have been hiking alone lately. ( I will write more about my experiences in a later post). Instead of the hike, instead of doing the dishes, the laundry, and getting a swim in or something for that matter. I have sat in bed listening to touching music and letting the tears finally fall. It's been heartbreaking and healing.
Days like today I wonder why this all happened. Did I deserve to get sick? Did I deserve to lose my boys? Did I deserve all the harsh judgments? The lost friends and family members?
What was I to learn from this? Am I in anyway better now that I've healed? Am I making any difference in my life now? Am I helping those who struggle today with the scary dark cloud that covers so many beautiful woman out there? What can I do differently? How can I make losing everything a positive thing at least for those that I am around?
Of course I didn't deserve it. No one does! Did it happen to me? Yes. Did it impact my life? Yes! Will I ever be C and H's mother to them...maybe never. I hope one day to be a friend, mentor, confidant....who knows maybe one day I will be able to help them in ways that I never could if I was still their 'mother'. Our God, our great God whom I call my loving gracious Heavenly Father has a plan. He knows me and He knows my boys. He will make everything okay, and He can make things even better then I can imagine if I just let Him.
The judgments and loss of friends and family still hurt when I think about those days. If I have learned one thing in all of this it is to not be so quick to judge. Even a mother who looks like she has it all. Looks completely put together and doesn't have a challenge in the world, behind closed doors it is Always a different story. My compassion for people, mothers especially has grown in a way that probably never would have happened had I not had my own personal turmoil with PPD/A. My compassion for couples who are unable to have children. People who have never married though it has always been their dream. Any one persons dream to do something whatever it maybe. My love for those around me has grown so much. For that I am grateful.
The friends I have lost...well it will never be easy to look back upon, but I have gained new friends. Some I may never have met had I not gone through such a challenging time in my life. With my family....things are still strained. Some very strained, but I still love them. I also hope that maybe there is a part in their heart for me as well. Until that day when they realize I wasn't making things up. That I was doing the best that I could. That I was listening and trying my best to be the mom that I SO DESIRED TO BE!!! One day I hope that things will be better. One day.
I don't know that I am making much of an impact on anyone. Right now, I have gotten the impression that many mothers don't want to hear my story, or talk to me about what happened. I believe most of that is because of fear and triggers. My story so far doesn't sound like a happily ever after that we all like to hear, me included in that. (Could be wrong of course.) I can sympathize with that though. I know that while I was sick I couldn't deal with such harsh realities. I couldn't watch the news. I would stay inside to protect myself from the 'worlds' harshness and judgments at times. One day I hope that all those who read my story find hope and strength to keep moving forward. I know that losing my boys, and a valued relationship with my family looks awful. It was awful, but I'm more than that!
My story didn't end when I lost my boys. My story didn't end when I got a divorce. My story didn't end when I moved away from my family so that I wouldn't have to feel to left out and 'black sheepish'. My story hasn't ended yet and neither has yours. I pray no one has to loss as much as I have lost in this illness. The lose is incredible deep and days like today I let myself really feel it, but my life is good. It's not how I pictured it, but I have chosen to accept what was and what is and move forward to the best of my ability. Some may never understand or want to understand....some may really be sick of my ramblings and give up on me. That's okay. I am inviting you to find hope, because even though I literally lost everything I am making something of my life. I am finding happiness even with my heart still hurting. There is a future for me. Just like their is a future for you. Whatever I/you are struggling with today, may not be gone tomorrow, in a week, or in years. I try not to over think it... one day at a time. I can do this one day at a time. It's not so overwhelming that way. It's more doable. I can find hope in the tomorrows that way.
Today I let the tears fall, for I have much to grieve, and I accept that.However tomorrow is a new day.
To better tomorrows.
PS. However hard it has been and will be. I can't WAIT to see my boys again! I won't stop hoping that I will get that chance again.
What a blessing it was to see them. To see them healthy and happy. I am so grateful for the opportunity to see them, to get to know them a little bit.
At the same time it has made me miss them all the more. The wounds have been ripped opened.
I have been trying my best to function, cope, and yet move forward.
I know now that I will never be considered a mother to my sweet boys even though I still feel like I am their mother. Mom to them will forever be directed towards my selfless loving sister. Many times I have ached to be in her shoes, but as I heard them refer to her as mom I forced a smile to block the tears that suddenly wanted to fall. I couldn't let them escape. I was determined to enjoy every moment with my little ones. And I did. I relished it. I continue to play it over and over again in my head and heart. Holding onto every memory. Every feeling. Every laughter and smile that came from their mouths to my eyes and ears.
Maybe since I felt I had to hold strong to the heartache erupting inside of me when I saw them walk through my parents front door and those few hours is why I haven't been able to let myself truly wet my face with the deep loss that I felt and feel until now.
Today I was planning to go on another hike. I have been hiking alone lately. ( I will write more about my experiences in a later post). Instead of the hike, instead of doing the dishes, the laundry, and getting a swim in or something for that matter. I have sat in bed listening to touching music and letting the tears finally fall. It's been heartbreaking and healing.
Days like today I wonder why this all happened. Did I deserve to get sick? Did I deserve to lose my boys? Did I deserve all the harsh judgments? The lost friends and family members?
What was I to learn from this? Am I in anyway better now that I've healed? Am I making any difference in my life now? Am I helping those who struggle today with the scary dark cloud that covers so many beautiful woman out there? What can I do differently? How can I make losing everything a positive thing at least for those that I am around?
Of course I didn't deserve it. No one does! Did it happen to me? Yes. Did it impact my life? Yes! Will I ever be C and H's mother to them...maybe never. I hope one day to be a friend, mentor, confidant....who knows maybe one day I will be able to help them in ways that I never could if I was still their 'mother'. Our God, our great God whom I call my loving gracious Heavenly Father has a plan. He knows me and He knows my boys. He will make everything okay, and He can make things even better then I can imagine if I just let Him.
The judgments and loss of friends and family still hurt when I think about those days. If I have learned one thing in all of this it is to not be so quick to judge. Even a mother who looks like she has it all. Looks completely put together and doesn't have a challenge in the world, behind closed doors it is Always a different story. My compassion for people, mothers especially has grown in a way that probably never would have happened had I not had my own personal turmoil with PPD/A. My compassion for couples who are unable to have children. People who have never married though it has always been their dream. Any one persons dream to do something whatever it maybe. My love for those around me has grown so much. For that I am grateful.
The friends I have lost...well it will never be easy to look back upon, but I have gained new friends. Some I may never have met had I not gone through such a challenging time in my life. With my family....things are still strained. Some very strained, but I still love them. I also hope that maybe there is a part in their heart for me as well. Until that day when they realize I wasn't making things up. That I was doing the best that I could. That I was listening and trying my best to be the mom that I SO DESIRED TO BE!!! One day I hope that things will be better. One day.
I don't know that I am making much of an impact on anyone. Right now, I have gotten the impression that many mothers don't want to hear my story, or talk to me about what happened. I believe most of that is because of fear and triggers. My story so far doesn't sound like a happily ever after that we all like to hear, me included in that. (Could be wrong of course.) I can sympathize with that though. I know that while I was sick I couldn't deal with such harsh realities. I couldn't watch the news. I would stay inside to protect myself from the 'worlds' harshness and judgments at times. One day I hope that all those who read my story find hope and strength to keep moving forward. I know that losing my boys, and a valued relationship with my family looks awful. It was awful, but I'm more than that!
My story didn't end when I lost my boys. My story didn't end when I got a divorce. My story didn't end when I moved away from my family so that I wouldn't have to feel to left out and 'black sheepish'. My story hasn't ended yet and neither has yours. I pray no one has to loss as much as I have lost in this illness. The lose is incredible deep and days like today I let myself really feel it, but my life is good. It's not how I pictured it, but I have chosen to accept what was and what is and move forward to the best of my ability. Some may never understand or want to understand....some may really be sick of my ramblings and give up on me. That's okay. I am inviting you to find hope, because even though I literally lost everything I am making something of my life. I am finding happiness even with my heart still hurting. There is a future for me. Just like their is a future for you. Whatever I/you are struggling with today, may not be gone tomorrow, in a week, or in years. I try not to over think it... one day at a time. I can do this one day at a time. It's not so overwhelming that way. It's more doable. I can find hope in the tomorrows that way.
Today I let the tears fall, for I have much to grieve, and I accept that.However tomorrow is a new day.
To better tomorrows.
PS. However hard it has been and will be. I can't WAIT to see my boys again! I won't stop hoping that I will get that chance again.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Big Step
After work my DH and I went for a hike to
celebrate our freedoms and enjoy the beauties that this country provides us.
We decided to go to Multnomah Falls, a popular hike here in Oregon.
Last year around this time I asked Jake to drive me there.
I was still in to much physical pain to hike it, but I wanted to see it and set a goal to be able to hike that steep but so worth it hike.
The drive alone kept me in bed for the next few days.
This year we made it to the top!
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Legs burning, but we did it! |
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Such a beautiful sunset! |
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Love the colors contrast! None of the pictures are filtered by the way. I'm not that tech savvy yet. |
One years time and look what I can do now. I know that it's hard in the moment to look forward to the future. So if you feel overwhelmed by the future now just take a moment to notice something beautiful around you now and breath it in.
Regardless of weather it's smell of a rose, watching the sun go down,
listening to music that reaches your soul, the feel of water and sand between your toes.
Whatever it is take a moment and enjoy, because in the moment life is good.
It rejuvenates.
Find the good and let yourself enjoy it!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Mother's Day....what an Evil Day! (warning I rambled a LOT)
Okay so technically I don't think the day is even. I am grateful for the mother's in the world today who do so much to try and raise their children to the best that they know how. It is a day to remember the great things that your mother and those around you influenced your life. At least I do... I love the mother's in my life. The one who gave me birth. She is a rock, strong and true. She is devoted to her faith and teaching (she is a high school history teacher) maybe if I had, had her in High School I would have liked/ learned something of value in my history class. She is tough as nails. Stubborn as an ox. Devoted to her family. She graduated from college with her degree, put her career on hold for over 25 years so that she could care for her family. 7 children she had. What a Remarkable accomplishment! Once the youngest was in school, she went back to school and began teaching several years later. She is amazing! She is strong! and have I mentioned that I love and honor her with my whole heart.
My MIL is the best! I have only been in the Seward family for almost a couple of years now. She immediately welcomed me into her home and made me feel like one of her own. She cares for me. Watches out for me. Listens to me and feeds me any chance she gets. She was the super mom who had 5 kids in 6 years. She home taught all of her children and they lived a half hour away from any
real grocery store, movie theater, or entertainment anything. She drove her kids to seminary every morning. A 20 minute drive (I think) at 6 am, then picked them up again afterwards (remember they were home schooled). All her children are so smart, funny, and incredible at whatever they have chosen to do. All because of her incredibly warm, loving, personality. Jake frequently comments that he married his mother. Jokingly usually...something like I always have to go to the bathroom before I go any where and I always have snacks in my purse, just in case. Something that she does. He doesn't realize how much I appreciate that comment...I don't think....I truly want to be like my MIL is so many ways.
My sisters in SIL are amazing! Every time I am around them. No matter what they seem to be doing. Changing diapers, reading with kids, teaching a lesson in primary, learning a new language, etc. etc. The things my sisters do as mothers and as women are truly incredible. My oldest sister C just got her masters degree. Awesome! One day I hope to just graduate from college. She inspires me! All my sisters do.
Even though on mother's day I try my hardest to concentrate on the good woman who have/ do inspire me I still get sick inside. How I miss my little C and H! How I wish I got to lesson to them sing 'Mother I love you mother I do....' to me. I'm grateful that sing it to my sister L because she deserves it, but man I wish that I could have them in my life too. Seeing them for the first time in over six years just over a month ago was incredible. I wouldn't change in for the world. My ache for them has increased a million times over this year. I soaked my pillow with tears missing my little boys and wanting a hug and an I love you mom! I know I'll never hear those words put together in a sentence. Not from them. They call me by my name and L is Mom. Which makes perfect sense, thats how it should be of course. So that they aren't confused, but man I miss it!!
I have been dreading writing and even talking about it. Why because I know that the words that I say don't even begin to skim the intense feelings that I feel for my boys. The loss that I feel everyday for their little bodies to be in my arms again. For me to be their mother. I have lost that forever. To them I will never be their mother, just a birth mom. A birth mom. How I HATE that term and how it makes me feel...almost less than human.
I feel so torn now between my boys and what the future holds for DH and I's future family. DH is now so excited. We had my IUD removed the end of last month. DH is excited thinking that a little girl or boy could be growing in side of me right now. For me, right now. I know that us having a child is the right thing for us to do. I know that, but right now I'm not looking forward to it. I'm trying least sometimes. Looking and baby stuff, trying to plan, but right now I'm mostly morning the loss of my boys and praying and praying that us having a family will not make things harder for my boys. I know the Lord is aware of us and of them. I know he knows us and cares for us both. I am praying for that they will be comforted. They they will find joy in it and not feel confused and hurt. I am praying and praying. Can my prayers really change how they react and feel? I don't know. They always have their free agency, but it gives me hope and right now that is all I have.
Mother's day how I Hate it! Will that ever change? Even when I have a child in my arms again, that I can call my own. They will call me mommy and will sing to me that they love me.... I know I will find joy in that blessing. I know it, but I also know that it will not change the loss that I now have and will forever have.
Another hope in all of this. My awful story of loss and pain. I hope that when I am able to have that little child in my arms and I am able to cope and function and love that child. That all those who know my story of PPD/A. That no how bad is was for me. Saw what I had lost and then can see what I have gained can find hope in their own struggle in their own story of heartache and change. I know most women hate to hear my story. My story is almost as bad as it can get. Losing your children having to give them up for adoption. Only one thing is worse then that, they have said and that is giving into the the awful voices/thoughts in your head, the PPD/A that is speaking to you haunting you. The only thing worse is actually acting on them. I am forever grateful that I didn't fall into that category. The Lord sustained me and I am now free of those awful voices/thoughts. When I have this child and any others that may or may not come afterwards and I can share with these woman that I survived and coped even after something so terrible as all that I have endured. As my children and family have endured, that there is hope in a better tomorrow. Instead of fear in hearing my story like they do now....I truly hope it will give them to strength them, encourage them, help them look towards that better tomorrow.
Mother's day is over. I choose to move past it. At least in this moment. I have a better future to look forward to. There is joy there and I'm going to find it. Praying as always that my boys may find that joy as well.
My MIL is the best! I have only been in the Seward family for almost a couple of years now. She immediately welcomed me into her home and made me feel like one of her own. She cares for me. Watches out for me. Listens to me and feeds me any chance she gets. She was the super mom who had 5 kids in 6 years. She home taught all of her children and they lived a half hour away from any
real grocery store, movie theater, or entertainment anything. She drove her kids to seminary every morning. A 20 minute drive (I think) at 6 am, then picked them up again afterwards (remember they were home schooled). All her children are so smart, funny, and incredible at whatever they have chosen to do. All because of her incredibly warm, loving, personality. Jake frequently comments that he married his mother. Jokingly usually...something like I always have to go to the bathroom before I go any where and I always have snacks in my purse, just in case. Something that she does. He doesn't realize how much I appreciate that comment...I don't think....I truly want to be like my MIL is so many ways.
My sisters in SIL are amazing! Every time I am around them. No matter what they seem to be doing. Changing diapers, reading with kids, teaching a lesson in primary, learning a new language, etc. etc. The things my sisters do as mothers and as women are truly incredible. My oldest sister C just got her masters degree. Awesome! One day I hope to just graduate from college. She inspires me! All my sisters do.
Even though on mother's day I try my hardest to concentrate on the good woman who have/ do inspire me I still get sick inside. How I miss my little C and H! How I wish I got to lesson to them sing 'Mother I love you mother I do....' to me. I'm grateful that sing it to my sister L because she deserves it, but man I wish that I could have them in my life too. Seeing them for the first time in over six years just over a month ago was incredible. I wouldn't change in for the world. My ache for them has increased a million times over this year. I soaked my pillow with tears missing my little boys and wanting a hug and an I love you mom! I know I'll never hear those words put together in a sentence. Not from them. They call me by my name and L is Mom. Which makes perfect sense, thats how it should be of course. So that they aren't confused, but man I miss it!!
I have been dreading writing and even talking about it. Why because I know that the words that I say don't even begin to skim the intense feelings that I feel for my boys. The loss that I feel everyday for their little bodies to be in my arms again. For me to be their mother. I have lost that forever. To them I will never be their mother, just a birth mom. A birth mom. How I HATE that term and how it makes me feel...almost less than human.
I feel so torn now between my boys and what the future holds for DH and I's future family. DH is now so excited. We had my IUD removed the end of last month. DH is excited thinking that a little girl or boy could be growing in side of me right now. For me, right now. I know that us having a child is the right thing for us to do. I know that, but right now I'm not looking forward to it. I'm trying least sometimes. Looking and baby stuff, trying to plan, but right now I'm mostly morning the loss of my boys and praying and praying that us having a family will not make things harder for my boys. I know the Lord is aware of us and of them. I know he knows us and cares for us both. I am praying for that they will be comforted. They they will find joy in it and not feel confused and hurt. I am praying and praying. Can my prayers really change how they react and feel? I don't know. They always have their free agency, but it gives me hope and right now that is all I have.
Mother's day how I Hate it! Will that ever change? Even when I have a child in my arms again, that I can call my own. They will call me mommy and will sing to me that they love me.... I know I will find joy in that blessing. I know it, but I also know that it will not change the loss that I now have and will forever have.
Another hope in all of this. My awful story of loss and pain. I hope that when I am able to have that little child in my arms and I am able to cope and function and love that child. That all those who know my story of PPD/A. That no how bad is was for me. Saw what I had lost and then can see what I have gained can find hope in their own struggle in their own story of heartache and change. I know most women hate to hear my story. My story is almost as bad as it can get. Losing your children having to give them up for adoption. Only one thing is worse then that, they have said and that is giving into the the awful voices/thoughts in your head, the PPD/A that is speaking to you haunting you. The only thing worse is actually acting on them. I am forever grateful that I didn't fall into that category. The Lord sustained me and I am now free of those awful voices/thoughts. When I have this child and any others that may or may not come afterwards and I can share with these woman that I survived and coped even after something so terrible as all that I have endured. As my children and family have endured, that there is hope in a better tomorrow. Instead of fear in hearing my story like they do now....I truly hope it will give them to strength them, encourage them, help them look towards that better tomorrow.
Mother's day is over. I choose to move past it. At least in this moment. I have a better future to look forward to. There is joy there and I'm going to find it. Praying as always that my boys may find that joy as well.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Climb Out of Darkness 2014
This year I am so excited to join ranks with the fabulous Grace in trying to raise money and awareness of PPD/A and other mood disorders associated with pregnancy.
We are planning to go on a hike near Mtn. Hood in Oregon on June 21st.
For more details about how to join us and/or donate to this life changing cause go here:
" Acceptance doesn't mean resignation. It means understanding that something is what it is and there's got to be a way through it." -Michael J. Fox
Let's find our way through it people!!
We are planning to go on a hike near Mtn. Hood in Oregon on June 21st.
For more details about how to join us and/or donate to this life changing cause go here:
" Acceptance doesn't mean resignation. It means understanding that something is what it is and there's got to be a way through it." -Michael J. Fox
Let's find our way through it people!!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
On Hold...
I feel like a very big part of who I am supposed to be is on hold right now. My DH is having a hard time with the thought of us having a child. He hates change, and the fact that this change might be really hard on all of us he is REALLY DRAGGING HIS FEET. I know that he knows that this is the right thing for us to do, but he just really doesn't want to have to, right now.
Honestly there are times when I feel similar feelings as him. Life is really good for us right now. I absolutely LOVE having him all to myself. I love our time together and I am not ignorant on how that will change dramatically, even with a healthy baby and mommy. There are times when I have let the fear in and been grateful for his having us be on hold.
Then as I pray about my fears and worries I eventually come back to that same peaceful feeling. I swear I can already see my babies face. I already feel a love towards our future baby, and yet we aren't even starting to try yet. In fact right now is when we were planning on getting my professional team together so that we could start trying. That isn't happening.
Nothing is.
Well....I guess that's not true. I have been working really hard the last couple of month to get stronger and healthier. I am down about 6 lbs. Go me! My back is doing remarkable better, especially considering how much more active I have been the last couple of months with my part time job at the book store. Which I have loved by the way.
During this time of being on hold....or waiting I have decided to not only work on me physically which I have already started, but to work on my spiritual/emotional self as well. I bought a book this week from the book store it's called Becoming His. It's a book that is supposed to take a years journey into looking in depth of who I am and who I would like to become.
I am trying to make this most of this pause. I am sure it will only help me in the end, right. Whatever/whenever that maybe.
Honestly there are times when I feel similar feelings as him. Life is really good for us right now. I absolutely LOVE having him all to myself. I love our time together and I am not ignorant on how that will change dramatically, even with a healthy baby and mommy. There are times when I have let the fear in and been grateful for his having us be on hold.
Then as I pray about my fears and worries I eventually come back to that same peaceful feeling. I swear I can already see my babies face. I already feel a love towards our future baby, and yet we aren't even starting to try yet. In fact right now is when we were planning on getting my professional team together so that we could start trying. That isn't happening.
Nothing is.
Well....I guess that's not true. I have been working really hard the last couple of month to get stronger and healthier. I am down about 6 lbs. Go me! My back is doing remarkable better, especially considering how much more active I have been the last couple of months with my part time job at the book store. Which I have loved by the way.
During this time of being on hold....or waiting I have decided to not only work on me physically which I have already started, but to work on my spiritual/emotional self as well. I bought a book this week from the book store it's called Becoming His. It's a book that is supposed to take a years journey into looking in depth of who I am and who I would like to become.
I am trying to make this most of this pause. I am sure it will only help me in the end, right. Whatever/whenever that maybe.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
She Will Find What Is Lost
Today while at the Deseret Book store I saw this painting which hit me with such impact.
It reminded me of my experience with PPD/A.
It was such a dark time for me.
I think anyone who as suffered from depression can relate to that dark, hopeless feeling.
Living life day to day. Feeling like I are going no where.
Lost in my hole of an existence.
At least it felt as such.
Remembering makes me want to physically shake off the unwanted memories.
Yet. I KNOW there were angels watching over me.
Protecting me from the illness I was trying to understand and overcome.
Keeping me alive.
Reminding me to breathe.
If you are struggling finding hope and light.
I hope looking at this painting will help you find some comfort.
You Are LOVED! There is Always HOPE!
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"She will find what is lost" by: Brian Kershisnik |
I don't know Brian Kershisnik and probably never will have the privilege to, but I wanted to thank him publicly for this beautiful painting of hope. A reminder that we are loved and watched over no matter how lost and afraid we may feel.
One day I plan to buy this painting. It will take hours of working for me to earn it, but it will be worth it.
(This is not a paid advertisement. I just love the message this painting gives.)
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